#Review: The One that I Want by Sandy Barker @sandybarker @BoldwoodBooks @rararesources #BoldwoodBloggers #publicationday #romance #romcom #TheEverAfterAgency #RespectRomFic #TheOneThatIWant

By | July 23, 2024

It’s a real pleasure today to be helping launch the blog tour for The One that I Want by Sandy Barker – the third in her Ever After Agency series – and sharing my publication day review. Published today (23rd July) by Boldwood Books, it’s now available as an e-book (free via Kindle Unlimited), in paperback, and as an audiobook. My thanks, as always, to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invitation and support, and to the publishers for my advance reading copy (provided via netgalley).

Sandy’s been a real personal favourite for quite a while now – just pop her name into the search bar (on the RHS if you’re on your computer) and you’ll find reviews of all her books other than the very first (but never say never!). The first book in her Ever After Agency series, Match Me If You Can, was an absolute joy – such an original idea, a great story, beautifully written (of course!), and with such wonderful characters (you can read my full review again here). And the second – Shout Out To My Ex – might just have been even better. Her characterisation is always excellent, there were plenty of dramatic moments, and the romance and friendship (and the working relationships) were so beautifully done – combined with the fascinating setting and all that glitz and glamour, it was a story I thoroughly enjoyed (you’ll find my full review here). And now – well, I’m looking forward to getting to know Greta rather better…

Greta Davies, the features editor at a women’s magazine, is accomplished and successful. That is, in all areas except her love life.


Determined to help, Greta’s boss – and friend – secretly enlists the help of the Ever After Agency, and sets out to make her dreams come true.


Work-obsessed Greta is nothing if not stubborn, so it’ll take some creative thinking, which leads to a lightbulb moment: a new column focused on dating in the city.


With date after disastrous date, things are not looking rosy for Greta. But little does Greta know, the perfect man has been there all along. Will she realise it’s more than friendship before it’s too late?


A fun and sexy rom com inspired by the classics How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Thirteen Going on Thirty and Sex and the City.

I love the whole concept of the Ever After Agency – a matchmaker service for top-end clients, found only by personal referral, maintaining a level of secrecy about its operations. If you’ve read the other books in this series (and it really isn’t compulsory) you’ll already have met star matchmaker Poppy – a former psychologist, an Australian living in London, now happily settled in a new relationship (and with a diva cat called Saffy… I think she’d be furious if she didn’t get a mention).

Her client this time is Greta – the particularly driven editor of a new on-line magazine, who’s rather neglected her personal life while focused on climbing the career ladder. It’s her boss Anjali who makes the introduction, but with some smoke and mirrors – an agony aunt column to be written by Poppy, a potential series on disastrous dates for the magazine – to keep Greta in the dark (and that doesn’t last very long). She really would like to find love – and that’d make best friend Tiggy very happy too – but needs to go through a few difficult meet-ups with unsuitable men before she can meet the Agency’s first choice, and he certainly looks like he might be “The One”. But it’s all further complicated by her growing friendship with the lovely Ewan after a chance encounter in the coffee shop – and the possibility that he might just be becoming more than just a casual friend.

There’s a great deal more to the story – told from the perspectives of both Greta and matchmaker Poppy – with a few family issues, a bit of corporate skullduggery, the involvement of (the quite wonderful) on-call investigator Marie, and quite a few unexpected complications on the path to true love and happiness. I just loved their individual voices, and the glimpses into their lives when they’re not on show – Greta’s friendship with Tiggy, with her rather different take on relationships, was something particularly special (I might just have mentioned before how beautifully the author always captures female friendships). And Greta really needs her support and common sense, particularly her words of wisdom after a few too many shared glasses of wine (she’s hilarious!) – for a woman in a pressurised and high profile job, she certainly has her insecurities. The rest of the supporting cast is really well-drawn too, with the most fascinating dynamics in their respective workplaces: and I really must mention gorgeous George, Poppy’s second, addicted to the celebrity world (and who can fail to love a man who wears fluffy bumblebee cufflinks?).

The whole story’s quite fast paced, and I found it a real page turner as I really wanted to see what path Greta chose – and whether she’d manage (with Poppy’s help) to remove the obstacles along the way. The romance, when it came, was all I wanted it to be – with an electric charge I could really feel (and he is rather gorgeous!). But I must mention the writing, because I’m such a fan of the author’s style and presentation – there’s plenty of emotion, but a lot of humour too, especially the witty one-liners that she does so very well and that always catch me by surprise (and often make me laugh out loud…).  I’ll admit that the contemporary references to How to Lose a Guy… and Thirteen Going on Thirty did rather pass me by (hey, I’m getting on a bit…), but it didn’t matter a jot – this was a story I really loved, and very much enjoyed. Do pick it up as a standalone read – it’d work just fine – but I suspect you’ll find yourself wanting to pick up the rest of the series. I’m just looking forward to the next book – this was the best yet, and that one might be even better!

About the author

I’m a writer, traveller and hopeful romantic with a lengthy bucket list. I love exploring new places, outdoor adventures, and eating and drinking like a local when I travel, and many of my travel adventures have found homes in my novels. I’m also an avid reader, a film buff, a wine lover and a coffee snob.

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2 thoughts on “#Review: The One that I Want by Sandy Barker @sandybarker @BoldwoodBooks @rararesources #BoldwoodBloggers #publicationday #romance #romcom #TheEverAfterAgency #RespectRomFic #TheOneThatIWant

  1. sandybarker

    Thank you so much for this review, Anne. I always feel like you truly appreciate my writing and I am so glad you loved these characters as much as I did.

    1. Anne Post author

      I really love your writing Sandy – and the review was an absolute pleasure xx

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