A pleasure today to be joining the blog tour for His Wife’s Secret by Susan Willis, independently published in December 2019 and available for kindle (and through Kindle Unlimited) and in paperback. My thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for the invitation and support.
With apologies, no review for you today, but I do rather like the look of this one – let’s take a closer look…
When David meets old school-friend, Erin again he falls head over heels in love. He leaves his wife and their sixteen-year-old daughter to marry Erin. But, in a small village people have long memories and they move south for a fresh beginning. Erin’s behaviour starts to change in a very strange way and David wonders if she is punishing him for something he’s done?
I’m delighted to welcome Susan as my guest today, to tell us more about her love of writing…
I started my writing career in 2001 after completing a home writing course and progressed to writing short stories. My work as a food technologist gave me the idea of writing a steamy-kitchen love story about a chef and her boyfriend. This was published by an American magazine. After I’d danced around the desk with a cheque for $200 clutched tightly in my hand, I wrote more foodie / love stories then wove them into my first novel, Yes Chef, No Chef. This was digitally published by Endeavour Press who asked me to write short novellas to add to the brand. I completed five.
Deciding I loved writing the drama and relationship side to the stories I embarked on my second novel, Is He Having an Affair. This story is about a woman whose husband is having an affair with her best friend. She cannot forgive her husband and doesn’t miss him at all. But she does forgive her best friend because she misses her so much.
I like to write different concepts rather than run of the mill. I like to turn situations around or make them different from the usual theme of boy meets girl with a happy ending. This is evident in my Christmas novel.
Originally, I called the novel Turkey Seconds, but the publisher changed the title to, All I want for Christmas, which in my opinion doesn’t quite suit the storyline. I wrote the plot after watching Happy Valley on TV. I hated the Tommy Lee Royce character – he was vile. However, in his last scene the writer turned the tables and I ended up feeling sorry for him. How could that be, I’d thought, and set off to write my story from a male viewpoint. I made my character a good-looking, waster of a man, who, when discovered, turned his life around and became a true family man.
As I’d enjoyed writing scenes with emotional upheaval I ventured into psychological suspense and wrote, The Girl in the Dark. This is set in Durham City at a photography studio where my female lead puts her trust in the wrong man. It is not revealed until chapter six, but the suspense is in the race for the right man to rescue her in time.
This latest novel, His Wife’s Secret, is a psychological thriller. It is my debut into writing in first person. Having always written in third person I set myself the challenge of changing my writing process and was amazed at how easy the story flowed.
The dark side to this genre intrigued me and I happily skipped off to Harrogate’s Crime Writing Festival this year. It was a brilliant weekend and I came home with plot ideas for three Cosy-Crime short reads which include up-to-date social issues.
I’ve created a woman suffering from poor mental health who is obsessed with her favourite author. This makes us wonder what has happened to the author, Rupert Robbins? I’ve written a story about the perils of social media where Megan mistakenly discloses the fact that she is away at Glastonbury for the weekend. And, my Christmas Intruder, who is caught on Skype breaking into a hotel room.
I’ve found over the years that this variety and scope in writing different genres is what keeps my mind buzzing and my love of writing well and truly alive.
Thank you Susan – wishing you much success in your future endeavours! Susan’s made a lovely video trailer for Her Wife’s Secret – if you’d like to view it, you’ll find it here.
About the author
Susan Willis is a published author of four novels and five novellas. She lives in Co-Durham surrounded by a big family and dear friends. Susan works as a food technologist developing new recipes and weaves the different aspects of her job into stories.
Her last two novels are psychological suspense. Readers who have left reviews on Amazon love the books because they are realistic with everyday people in situations that can happen.
She has a collection of Fun-Size Tales of Love & Family which are available in Ebook and paperback.
Susan is now writing Cozy Crime Short Reads and incorporating up to date issues of poor mental health in a kidnap scene, the perils of social media, and an intruder on Skype. Nest year she hopes to publish these stories into a collection.
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Thanks for having me on here, Anne. I really appreciate it, Susan.
It was a real pleasure Susan – I’m just sorry I couldn’t fit in a review!